- Danish EU presidency logo

At the moment, Poland holds the rotating presidency of the European Union. Next in line is Denmark, who are taking over on January 1. While Poland unveiled their presidency logo in May, Denmark announced their logo over a year before taking the presidency. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Danish Design Centre (DDC) arranged a contest to select the presidency logo, and the winner was presented on October 11, 2010.

The contest attracted 71 submissions from designers and graphic artists, and the winner was selected from seven finalists. The winning submission was created by Peter Jacob Møgelvang from Kunde&Co. A jury statement described it as "an aesthetic and creative typographic solution, which in its simplicity is a clear expression of Danish design tradition". The "half-digits" represent the Danish half year at the presidency, and rotating digit represents the rotating nature of the presidency.

Denmark last held the EU presidency in 2002, using the logo seen below:

The winner got 100.000 DKK (about €13.000 or $19.000). Two runner-ups where also presented:
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