New look: Kommersant TV

The company behind the Russian business-oriented newspaper Kommersant launched a news channel back in October called Kommersant TV. In addition to being carried by some Russian TV distributors, the channel is streamed on the web for free. Its identity and on-screen graphics were developed by two British agencies, DixonBaxi and AllofUs. Intros and identity spots were produced by Double G Studios.

Unlike most news channels, Kommersant TV doesn't have any news reports or anchors. Instead, the broadcasts are made up of telegrams read by an out-of-vision newsreader with information screens showing text and images. This means the channel can easily be shown mute in public spaces. It can be compared to on-board TV channels available in some public transport systems, or updated teletext pages.

The way the channel is set up gives a sense of flow with seamless transition between intros, news stories, segments and ad breaks. The on-screen graphics are clean and modern.

The very simple logo consists of the letter Ъ in a square. This letter, also known as the hard sign or "tvjordyj znak", is the final letter in Kommersant (Коммерсантъ in cyrillic), which has always been emphasized in Kommersant's nameplate.

In addition to the intros and information graphics, there are also a number of unconventional and artistic identity spots, featuring milk being poured on an armchair, splattering black ink and pink colour thown on a sculpture. DixonBaxi has posted a 47 second sequence with the armchair and various objects.
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