New logo: Folkekirken

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark – better known as the Church of Denmark, or Folkekirken in Danish – is the state church of Denmark. Almost 80 percent of the population are members of the church, safely making it the largest religious community in the kingdom.

Over the weekend the church unveiled a new visual identity, created by Jacob Jensen Design. This is apparently the church's first attempt to introduce a common identity, and it hopes it will be widely adopted by the over 2000 parishes.

The new icon is made up of a circle and a cross, filled with numerous smaller icons. The cross is a simplified version of the Dagmar cross, that has historical significance to the church, and the circle should represent a baptismal font, as it is through baptism that people become members of the Christian community. The smaller icons consists of nine distinct symbols relating to Christianity that are repeated several times.

The church has also not selected a specific colour for their new logo, instead it can be reproduced in eight basic shades, plus the rainbow version seen above. The typeface, Garamond, was chosen to break with the motley composition of the icon.
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